Thread: No sound in Ubuntu 12.10
hi after fresh install of ubuntu 12 .10 not having sound. please find out of script. please me in getting sound back. code: upload=true&script=true&cardinfo= !!################################ !!alsa information script v 0.4.61 !!################################ !!script ran on: tue nov 27 05:37:16 utc 2012 !!linux distribution !!------------------ ubuntu 12.10 \n \l distrib_id=ubuntu distrib_description="ubuntu 12.10" name="ubuntu" id=ubuntu id_like=debian pretty_name="ubuntu quantal (12.10)" !!dmi information !!--------------- manufacturer: filled o.e.m. product name: filled o.e.m. product version: filled o.e.m. firmware version: p2.30 !!kernel information !!------------------ kernel release: 3.5.0-18-generic operating system: gnu/linux architecture: x86_64 processor: x86_64 smp enabled: yes !!alsa version !!------------ ...