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Thread: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'MyStuffx'

#file  #file "/home/test/documents/"  import myclass01  import myclass02  import mystuff   mc = myclass01.myclass1()   print "what\'s " + mc.x + "?"  print "how this? ", mc.printsomething()   mc2 = myclass02.myclass2()  print "this ", mc2.printsomething()   # mystuff module. contains class mystuffx.   #      class contains method apple  #from mystuff import apple  # not work  #print "this apple ", apple()  #   #  file "/home/test/documents/"  ms = mystuff.mystuffx()  print "this apple ", #-------------------------------------------------------//  #  file "/home/test/documents/pymodules/" class mystuffx:  # (object): how works, knows?         def __init__(self):          self.tangerine = 'and thousand years between'        def apple(self):          print 'i classy apples!'  #-------------------------------------------------------// #  file "/home/test/documents/pymodules/"  class myclass1:      def __init__(self):          self.x = 'c1'                      def printsomething(self):          print 'hey'   #-------------------------------------------------------// #  file "/home/test/documents/pymodules/"  class myclass2:      def __init__(self):          self.x = 'c2'                def printsomething(self):          print 'crap2'  #-------------------------------------------------------// # errors getting 'import sitecustomize' failed; use -v traceback what's c1? how this?  hey none  crap2 none traceback (most recent call last):   file "/home/peshone/documents/", line 42, in <module>     ms = mystuff.mystuffx() attributeerror: 'module' object has no attribute 'mystuffx'
would know how resolve errors?

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [lubuntu] AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'MyStuffx'



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