Installing FLash player (and Creative cloud)

i having trouble flash player , creative cloud. have tried umpteen times install flash player , wont work. have run through uninstalling it. re installing it. ensuring enabled. , nothing. have established have current version on computer through \app\ through website...its 11.9 version. when try use fb upload photos, says have install latest version of flash.


i have had same issue cc. have subscription , have downloaded desk top app, cannot see or access it. have listed in control panel, under programs...but cannot see anywhere else.


what else can do? frustrrated. these adobe products - dont seem 'stay' on comp. lr , ps both work - downnloaded cc...but nothing else really!?


thanks much


jendie wrote:


i having trouble flash player , creative cloud. have tried umpteen times install flash player , wont work. have run through uninstalling it. re installing it. ensuring enabled. , nothing. have established have current version on computer through \app\ through website...its 11.9 version. when try use fb upload photos, says have install latest version of flash.

this known problem internet explorer 11 (which can assume you're using because fb problems occur), microsoft has been aware of since october 18 when released latest "untested" browser. pages can't recognize browser, don't recognize of plugins, flash player. far, microsoft has made no indication have plan fix soon.
microsoft's recommendation use compatibility view affected pages, , "pretend" you're using different browser. trouble has seen limited success @ best, , have individually enable every page has problems.
i'm not big on "pretending" recommend using browser.

firefox (from mozilla)

opera (from opera)

safari (from apple)

chrome (from google)

any of work ie11 won't, flash player plug-in (for other browsers), , chrome doesn't need because has own flash player plugin built in.

More discussions in Installing Flash Player



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