Adobe InDesign CC - unusable.
i have been unable use indesign cc past 3 months. assume partially due upgrade of mavericks mac. have thought 2 major companies could, sake of customers', talk 1 in order avoid mess has evolved in past few months.
i've listed several problems have idea going on software. (for want of better word!)
1. tools panel virtually unusable - no matter how many times person's clicks; double clicks, etc., etc.,it works.
2. master page malfunctions owing fact impossible click, double click , use master pages.
3. if 1 tries create background on master page, software jumps normal page/spread.
4. also, impossible move 1 page/spread software doesn't allow function.
these few of problems have had software. have lost work , money owing adobe's inability provide reliable service. think it's time got act , sorted mess out, charge enough appalling service.
can please help? customer support complete , utter waste of space!
did migrate programs, or upgrade os after installing them? neither of works id, if either true should uninstall, run cleaner tool (cs cleaner tool installation problems | ccm, cs6, cs5.5, cs5, cs4, cs3) , reinstall clean.
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