Course won't load in LMS

we have number of courses created in captivate 5.5 before able upgrade 6.  seems of these courses have had sort of issue loading and/or resuming.  they'll start load player , hang on "loading". i've read somewhere resume data in 5.5 didn't play nice lms, hoping republish these courses in 6.


my question this: will republishing 5.5 file through 6 fix/update resume data, or out of luck courses?


our full situation little more complicated, clear answer fit piece puzzle , eliminate variable.  republished 5.5 6, replaced it, , still seems hang on load screen. odd thing is, works fine other networks.  aren't experiencing filter/firewall issues between our servers , lms, can't figure out what's making captivate courses in particular hang on our network.



captivate 6 introduced totally new scorm drivers same company makes scorm cloud online lms, reportedly scorm-compliant lms on planet.


since these scorm drivers have been introduced we've been seeing far fewer lms integration issues reported in adobe captivate forum.  recommend upgrade captivate, suggest upgrade cp7 rather cp6 , go subscription plan on licenses using latest software.  trying integration lmss moving target.


another thing suggest make sure there no caching of captivate course content being done on network.  possible issue related older copies of courses still being served proxy servers.  1 way test publish same course totally different name , see if suffers same problem.

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