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Thread: 306.64 nvidia driver + wine no performance increase at all ?

i decided try new 304.64 nvidia driver boasts
double performance , dramatically reduce game loading times
i found after installing driver games not launch @ all, after doing digging found out can things working again have type

ld_library_path="/usr/lib32/:/usr/lib/" wine application.exe
otherwise programs spit out error not having directx installed.
there simple way update , not have type every time launch something?

tried game before , after updating got 19 fps in both tests, seems no performance increase @ me?

suggestions ?

nvidia install nasty.
tried first script didn't work...
found needs kernel headers installed before downloading nvidia.-
secondly had to:

error while loading shared libraries: wrong elf class: elfclass64

or, instead of editing file directly, create file called local.conf in subdirectory /etc/ containing line /usr/local/lib. is,

contents of /etc/


run sudo ldconfig command.
worked hey year it? 1991? better sticking lsb...

310.14 seem slower other games don't know how revert 304 after installing nvidia, wait next nvidia update.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Wine 306.64 nvidia driver + wine no performance increase at all ?



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