Places and Keywords in Elements Organizer 12

i hope adobe team reads this, program , want improve it, please don't think of list of complaints


i in process of updating pse 8 pse 12 (via backup/restore). works fine there number of annoying issues keywords. in version 8 (and 6 too) keywords treated , relatively easy create series of categories , subcategories. have in 12 not obvious how make sub sub category trial , error figured out.. bottom line fiddling add keyword , selecting group seems trick. suggest online include section on this.


after conversion old "people" "events" , "places" conveted "smarter" versions in 12... ok people , events, again not obvious how make sub sub categories, eg people>colleagues>companyname.


the issue seems fraught problems "places". tried conveting 8 12 (via backup restore) , list of places in heirarchy county>county/state>city>street came through fine, when tried pin them on map rearranges them in strange order.... following advice found via google, renamed "places" in pse 8 "ps8places" , reimported 12... old place heirarchy there since aren't "places" can't pin them map.... ok tried adding places scratch... works list of places in weird , non-editable order, instance yankee stadium listed "new york>bronx>yankee stadium" whereas rockerfeller center "new york>45 rockerfeller plaza"... in former case have expected new york city rather bronx, , in latter there no city @ all!   adobe folks request have places work keywords option point map location too, please let me rearrange orderering heirarchy.


another odity places... added photos took on iphone... these have gps data embedded , sure enough pse12 accurately put tags on map took them... not show in list of places @ all, there no way can search these places unless tags on global map... can fix please.


if i'm doing wrong i'd glad of pointer, if not please consider these issues version 12.1





i love modifications places tags described davewri. i've used place keyword tags since versions of photoshop elements, , have hierarchy allows me find looking without dealing city/state/country detail. i've imported pe13, tags cannot added - , place tags in pe13's hierarchy. furthermore, keep gps data photos, , display photos on map via data able group photos in area place tag select them all. example, on trip legoland, tag photos visit "legoland" place tag, still able see locations of each photo separately on map (have tag encompass whole area not single gps point).

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