Extendscript variables undefined when triggered from PostFrameMakerDocUpdate event

i trying run extendscript script in rh10.0.1.292.


this script registered postframemakerdocupdate event runs evey time update fm sources.


every time update or force update, when script runs, 'undefined variable' message.


however, when run same script within  robohelp, or extendscript toolkit, fine. script runs completion without errors.


initially, undefined variable global (defined @ top of file before functions)


var rev = "rev 2.3 december 22, 2013";


if move rev function used, error: numparastyles undefined variable. local variable, defined in 1 , function ued.


var numparastyles = fm_paragraphstyles.length;


although fm_paragraphstyles global array:


var fm_paragraphstyles = ["tiptext", "cautiontext", "warningtext"];


this script is based on reference page image updater.jsx script included in

adobe\robohtml\10.00\scripts\sample scripts

folder. added rev string part of debugging efforts,


since script works find extendscript toolkit , within robohelp, suspect happening mess script's variable scoping when script run in response event. that's guess. not expert in javascript, let alone extendscript.


has else seen behavior? there can prevent error messages?



extendscript doesn't work nice globals if using scripting

events. in experience, easiest workaround create functions

that create globals , call function in function linked

event. personally, make script , add

function events initiates globals ,

runs script normally. there's no easy fix, sorry.


i believe bug. can report bugs adobe via



kind regards,



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