Thread: All new package uploads will go to "proposed" first for Raring
as per:
andi'm still frantically putting bits this, it's far enough along feel comfortable saying we're going doing raring, so:
in continuing cause of trying make development series more usable @ times, not around milestones, i'm rearranging way our uploads processed. raring, uploads go raring-proposed, , modified instance of "britney" (the software handles migration debian unstable testing) copy them raring when they've been built everywhere , not reduce count of installable packages in archive.
intent of come close possible eliminating transient uninstallability problems in development release. won't way there. still possible uninstallability introduced copies not happening in single publisher run, transient uninstallability in -proposed still affect package builds, , won't catch cases sets of packages used simultaneously installable stop being (the general case of np-complete anyway). these limitations, though, should make things lot better.
as described in, uploads raring automatically redirected raring-proposed default.
automatically copied raring once pass various tests such being no less installable previous version, , hope take autopkgtest results consideration well.
attempts copy ("sync") directly raring refused. syncpackage's default changed in next ubuntu-dev-tools upload, in meantime please use 'syncpackage -r raring-proposed'.
1 of last blockers opening raring general development, should able moving on soon. cheers,
hey decision, @ least clever: have less partial installation issues/broken packages , less useless reports.
Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Development Version All new package uploads will go to "proposed" first for Raring
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