accordion problems
i have fresh install coldfusion 10 (latest updates)
on redhat 6.1,6.2,6.3,6.4 servers.
using apache webserver.
i can't following test code (test 1 , test 2)
working. both provided adobe.
i have tried, no help.
does know how coldfusion working?
the tests work coldfusion 8.01.
brian erickson
<!--- test 1 --->
<cfif isdefined("form.fieldnames")> <cfdump var="#form#" label="form scope"> <br><br> </cfif> <br> <cfform name="myform" height="285" width="480" format="flash" skin="haloblue"> <cfformgroup type="tabnavigator" height="240" style="margintop: 0"> <cfformgroup type="page" label="contact information"> <!--- align first , last name fields horizontally. ---> <cfformgroup type="horizontal" label="your name"> <cfinput type="text" required="yes" name="firstname" label="first" value="" width="100"/> <cfinput type="text" required="yes" name="lastname" label="last" value="" width="100"/> </cfformgroup> <cfformitem type="hrule" /> <cfformitem type="html"><textformat indent="95"><font size="-2"> flash fills field in automatically. you can replace text. </font></textformat> </cfformitem> <!--- bind attribute gets field contents firstname and lastname fields filled in. ---> <cfinput type="text" name="email" label="email" bind="{firstname.text}.{lastname.text}"> <cfformitem type="spacer" height="3" /> <cfformitem type="hrule" /> <cfformitem type="spacer" height="3" /> <cfinput type="text" name="phone" validate="telephone" required="no" label="phone number"> <cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate1" label="requested date"> </cfformgroup> <cfformgroup type="page" label="preferences" style="margintop: 0"> <cfformitem type="html" height="20"> <b>tell preferences</b> </cfformitem> <!--- put pet selectors left of fruit selectors. ---> <cfformgroup type="hdividedbox" > <!--- group pet selector box contents, aligned vertically. ---> <cfformgroup type="vbox"height="130"> <cfformitem type="text" height="20"> pets: </cfformitem> <cfformgroup type="vertical" height="80"> <cfinput type="radio" name="pets" label="dogs" value="dogs" checked> <cfinput type="radio" name="pets" label="cats" value="cats"> </cfformgroup> </cfformgroup> <!--- group fruit selector box contents, aligned vertically. ---> <cfformgroup type="vbox" height="130"> <cfformitem type="text" height="20"> fruits: </cfformitem> <cfformgroup type="tile" height="80" width="190" label="tile box"> <--- flash requires unique names controls. ---> <cfinput type = "checkbox" name="chk1" label="apples" value="apples"> <cfinput type="checkbox" name="chk2" label="bananas" value="bananas"> <cfinput type="checkbox" name="chk3" label="pears" value="pears"> <cfinput type="checkbox" name="chk4" label="oranges" value="oranges"> <cfinput type="checkbox" name="chk5" label="grapes" value="grapes"> <cfinput type="checkbox" name="chk6" label="kumquats" value="cumquats"> </cfformgroup> </cfformgroup> </cfformgroup> </cfformgroup> </cfformgroup> <cfformgroup type="horizontal"> <cfinput type = "submit" name="submit" width="100" value = "show results"> <cfinput type = "reset" name="reset" width="100" value = "reset fields"> </cfformgroup> </cfform>
<!--- test 2 --->
<!--- 9461172e0811cbec10372-7ff4.html#wsc3ff6d0ea77859461172e0811cbec22c24-7 30c
<meta content="">
<cfform name="myform" height="220" width="400" format="flash" >
<!--- use text formitem tag style specifications heading. --->
<cfformitem type="text" style="fontweight:bold; fontsize:14;">
flash form formatted text , rules
<!--- spacer adds space between text , rule --->
<cfformitem type="text">
<b><font color="#ff0000" size="+4" face="serif">
this form has formatted text, including:</font></b><br>
<textformat blockindent="20" leading="2">
<li>colored text</li>
<li><i>italic , bold text</i></li>
<li>a bulleted list in indented block</li>
<p><b>the text preceded , followed horizontal rules</b></p>
it has link web page.</b><br>
<a href="" target="_blank">
<font color="#0000ff"><u>
this link displays adobe home page in new browser window
hi brian,
flash forms deprecated , not supported anymore. however, have checked code on cf8.0.1, cf9.0.1 , cf10. behavior similar across browsers on these servers.
anit kumar
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