Improve Table Shading Preview Onscreen

is there way improve onscreen preview tables fill or shading set less 100%? have corporate template long user manual. warning/caution tables have 30% fill of pantone color achieve shading effect. 30% (or %) makes shading appear dot pattern. pattern makes hard read content in cell (only onscreen preview -- pdf or printed output find).


i in framemaker 11.02.384, windows.


i have searched google , forum information or advice, have come empty.


if can't it, or if there no workaround, i'll try find gray matches level of tint/color @ 100% shading value.



does color need visible print shop named pantone color? library color names survive ps output (dunno pdf). user defined names might, won't in print shop's library.


if color control name not required ...


define new color which, @ 100% tint, 30% of color.


for example, frame says pantone 329 cvc is

100%c 0%m 47%y 47%k


edit name in view > color > definitions to:

pantone 329 cvc 30%

30%c 0%m 14.1%y 14.1%k

[ add ]

use @ 100%.


if need color management of user defined cmyk colors, well, frame isn't ideal tool.

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