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Thread: 12.10 x64 ati proprietary drivers hd 6 series

i trying proprietary drivers radeon hd6850 work having problems, when use update manager switch either of 2 proprietary drivers, after reboot, computer slow scroll windows in nautilus or windows on desktop. running fglrxinfo gives me errors. wondering if there a special method supposed use proprietary drivers working?

paridoth@basement-ubuntu:~$ fglrxinfo  x error of failed request:  badrequest (invalid request code or no such operation)    major opcode of failed request:  155 (atifglextension)    minor opcode of failed request:  66 ()    serial number of failed request:  13    current serial number in output stream:  13

i still on 12.04, since last attempt on getting 6850 working in 12.10 wasn't great.

being said, did check out wiki?

isntructions there pretty complete. make sure remove old fglrx drivers before installing new ones, if installed amd website.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] 12.10 x64 ati proprietary drivers hd 6 series



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