RAM Preview not playing back realtime fps in AE CC

hi eveyone


i'm having trouble ae cc playing ram preview @ realtime framerate - it's lagging behind @ random speeds. short image sequence (of many more come) imac seems struggle this, can't figure out why. graphics card issue?? have older mac here has older card more ram (1024 mb)  on the  card, takes longer render preview (is due less system ram?) but, plays solid 30fps framerate no worries..is problem particular graphics card on imac? there seems little info card can find after effects.


imac spec:

27" mid 2011 imac, processor  2.7 ghz intel core i5, memory  32 gb 1333 mhz ddr3, graphics  amd radeon hd 6770m 512 mb, software  mavericks os x 10.9.1


project task:


- am  previewing short (15 sec) 1920 x 1080 image sequence (either tiff or exr) @ 30 fps. ram preview going @ around 20-28 fps: 'fps: 20.271 / 30.00 not realtime' 

- ram preview set full res, 30 fps frame rate, composition settings 30fps, footage 30fps

- tried lower quality settings, tried cropping video - same jerky framerate

- when video rendered .mov lossless file video still juddery , appears dropping frames when played in quick time - vlc better slightly.


system / memory preferences:


ram shared other apps: 4gb ram reserved ae: 28gb

after effects multiprocessing: on installed cpus: 4 cpus reserved other apps: 2 ram allocated per bg cpu: 6gb actual cpus used: 2



extra notes:


- have tried using less memory on system, no diffeence - not problem ram in imac (which above recommended standard, know, works fine everything)

- running after effects cc - no other programs running

- works fine other mac have - osx lion & after effects 5.0 ati radeon 5750 hd 1024mb graphics card.

- had same issues after effects 5.5

- tried after effects 5.5 apple ram 12gb no difference on machine

- monitored system cpu & gpu - no problem running at  cpu 25% & gpu 40-50%


is else having issues this? driving me mad!


many thanks

harcnowhear wrote:


- when video rendered .mov lossless file video still juddery , appears dropping frames when played in quick time - vlc better slightly.


that expected (unless have raid setup computer's hard drives). uncompressed hd file has data rate high hard drive handle. if take high data rate file adobe media encoder , render deliverable format such h.264, should play without issue. if case (and i'm pretty sure is), unrelated ram preview issue.


what version of ae running? cc, 12.2.0 or 12.1.0? if haven't yet, update latest version; fixes lot of bugs.


also, when you've been using ae version 5 , 5.5, mean cs5 (actually version 10) , cs5.5 (actually version 10.5) or mean you're using old versions?


harcnowhear wrote:


we have older mac here has older card more ram (1024 mb)  on the  card, takes longer render preview (is due less system ram?)

rendering speed has less ram , more processor's clock speed. difference.

is older mac running cc or older version mentioned in "extra notes" section?


have tried updating driver graphics card? gpu has little rendering in ae (except ray-traced renderer, doesn't matter don't have nvidia card), have ae's display of playback.

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