batch script memory use CS5.1 vs CS6

i have script i'm running on thousands of files. when running on cs6 using huge amount of ram (2.4gigs) , when reached 312 files processed caused "multi language screen of death" on mac. solution running 300 files @ time , restarting illustrator between batches.


most of users @ company still on 5.1, , pointed out couldn't open processed files natively, because saved 6. (i didn't know javascript save function wasn't identical menu save function) started running script in 5.1 , memory use tops out @ 240mb. haven't found limit number of files can process in 1 go.


i've come conclusion cs6 has massive memory leak. has else experienced this? things better in cc?

there's thread in regular forums cs5 vs cs6 performance doing day day stuff...see if can pick of worth, didn't read whole 6 pages.

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