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Thread: Constant rendering problem reading PDFs in Adobe

i have of textbooks pdfs , reason, on linux, adobe has problems rendering them scroll down.

here screen shot of going on

if cant see well, happens content lower part of page gets stuck @ top part of page.

temporary fixes when select page or when resize page up/downsize again.

have binary nvidia driver website. i've had computer years , seems happen every revision of driver. i'm guessing isn't hardware related.

know sounds stupid, maybe turning on hardware acceleration adobe reader 9 (what use read pdfs) help? how that?


i've tried replicate problem using full screen view, , appears happen (it appears fraction of second) corrects itself...i'm not sure why doesn't when it's not in full screen mode.

try pdf viewer, evince, epdfview, okular... there lots of alternatives adobe reader , there's chance issue adobe reader-specific.

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