Indesign pdf export issues...

hi, i've completed 284 page photo book , trying (and failing) export it.  i'm using indesign cs5 , macbook pro 10.7.5 mountain lion. have tried many, many things try fix including updating cs5, uninstalling , reinstalling it, opening doc in safe mode, getting rid of preferences, adding txt doc rid of background tasks, downloaded app clean memory, moving bunch of files external drive , off mac, turned off preflight, turning off unnecessary apps. i've tried downloading trial version of css , saving doc .imdl, etc etc.


i believe problem has inactive memory. prior attempting upload, restart computer , see in activity monitor have 5 of 8gb free. when start exporting, inactive memory grows , grows until page 110 - when inactive memory 'full' export quits , failed upload message. document 645 mb thinking 5 free gb should suffice doesn't. have tried clearing memory during export process aborts it.


my understanding inactive memory 'switches out' active memory apps can function, doesn't seem happen.


i've been @ 2 weeks , appreciate suggestion regarding how fix short of buying new mac double memory.



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