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Thread: How-To use lirc to control receiver and tv power

ever wish tv , receiver power on , off pc , screensaver? these scripts , instructions can.

there assumptions here , have tailor setup example of mine.
importantly i'm using mythbuntu , xscreensaver screensaver used in distribution script has been written for. have conf files devices want control , scripts setup home directory , devices.

on fun stuff.

you'll need conf files devices want control.
if can't find device here or in /usr/share/lirc/extras/transmitters/ can create 1 using irrecord beyond scope of how-to. i'll reply if ask though.
if have more 1 device, need more 1 transmitter thing i'd stress can copy , paste devices 1 conf file lirc load.
should example master.conf below.
# config file automatically generated  # using lirc-0.9.0(default) on mon oct 22 12:53:42 2012  #  # contributed david gilson <>  #  # brand: westinghouse  # model no. of remote control: unknown  # devices being controlled remote: 40" westinghouse tv vr-4085df  #  # tv available on black friday of 2011 in limited quantities  # target  #    begin remote      name  vr4085df    bits           16    flags space_enc|const_length    eps            30    aeps          100      header       9000  4500    1           563  1687    0          563   562    ptrail        563    repeat       9000  2250    pre_data_bits   16    pre_data       0x807f    gap          108000    toggle_bit_mask 0x0    frequency    38000    duty_cycle   33          begin codes            key_power                0x08f7            key_mute                 0x8877            key_1                    0x807f            key_2                    0x40bf            key_3                    0xc03f            key_4                    0x20df            key_5                    0xa05f            key_6                    0x609f            key_7                    0xe01f            key_8                    0x10ef            key_9                    0x906f            key_last                 0xda25            key_0                    0x00ff            key_minus                0x50af            key_volumeup             0x708f            key_volumedown           0xf00f            key_channelup            0x30cf            key_channeldown          0xb04f            key_displaytoggle        0xc837            key_zoom                 0x42bd            key_menu                 0xa857            key_exit                 0x6897            key_sleep                0xe817            key_switchvideomode      0x48b7            key_a                    0x2ad5            key_b                    0x32cd            key_c                    0x6a95            key_d                    0xaa55            key_up                   0x9867            key_left                 0xd827            key_enter                0xb847            key_right                0x38c7            key_down                 0x58a7            key_text                 0xea15            key_favorites            0x1ae5            key_list                 0x9a65            key_language             0x5aa5        end codes    end remote    #  # config file automatically generated  # using lirc-0.8.1-cvs(default) on sat oct 21 18:34:58 2006  #  # contributed ben bronk <rukh13|>  #  # brand:                       kenwood  # model no. of remote control: rc-r0813  # devices being controlled remote: kenwood vr-6070  #    begin remote      name  kenwood_rc-r0813    bits           24    flags space_enc|const_length    eps            30    aeps          100      header       9065  4480    1           580  1660    0          580   550    ptrail        580    repeat       9060  2230    pre_data_bits   8    pre_data       0x1d    gap          108434    toggle_bit      0            begin codes          power       0x00b946          thx         0x8043bc          listenmodeup 0x00fb04          listenmodedown 0xe0f807          activeeq    0x60e21d          speakereq   0x60926d          inputmode   0x20f906          dspmode     0x8030cf          mute        0x0039c6          stereo      0x00eb14          vol+        0x00d926          vol-        0x0059a6          setup       0xc09867          sound       0x80ea15                   0x80aa55          down        0x802ad5          left        0x4000ff          right       0x40807f          tunerev     0x4040bf          tunefwd     0x40c03f          flip        0xc0906f          band        0xc0609f          inputsel    0xc06a95          a/b         0x0010ef          auto        0x4020df          dimmer      0x40b847          dvd6ch      0xc001fe          cd/dvd      0x0049b6          phono       0x0009f6          tuner       0x008976          video1      0x006996          video2      0x0040bf          video3      0xc0b847          md/tape     0x00a956          avaux       0x00c936          loudness    0x00fa05          tone        0x80ab54          bass        0x40ea15                              1       0x00817e          2       0x0041be          3       0x00c13e          4       0x0021de          5       0x00a15e          6       0x00619e          7       0x00e11e          8       0x0011ee          9       0x00916e          0       0x0001fe          +10     0x00b04f          +100    0x40f20d                    end codes    end remote
put file in /usr/share/lirc/extras/transmitters/
if you're wondering how use, master.conf file want use
sudo cp master.conf /usr/share/lirc/extras/transmitters/master.conf
now configure lirc knows transmit.
sudo gedit /etc/lirc/hardware.conf
and edit transmitter_lircd_conf
# /etc/lirc/hardware.conf  #  #chosen remote control  remote="windows media center transceivers/remotes (all)"  remote_modules="lirc_dev mceusb"  remote_driver=""  remote_device="/dev/lirc0"  remote_socket=""  remote_lircd_conf="mceusb/lircd.conf.mceusb"  remote_lircd_args=""    #chosen ir transmitter  transmitter="microsoft windows media center v2 (usb) : kenwood"  transmitter_modules="lirc_dev mceusb"  transmitter_driver=""  transmitter_device=""  transmitter_socket=""  transmitter_lircd_conf="master.conf"  transmitter_lircd_args=""    #enable lircd  start_lircd="true"    #don't start lircmd if there seems config file  #start_lircmd="false"    #try load appropriate kernel modules  load_modules="true"    # default configuration files hardware if  lircmd_conf=""    #forcing noninteractive reconfiguration  #if lirc reconfigured external application  #that doesn't have debconf frontend available, noninteractive  #frontend can invoked , set parse remote , transmitter  #it populate other variables without user input  #if configure lirc via standard methods, sure  #to leave set "false"  force_noninteractive_reconfiguration="false"  start_lircmd=""
we need edit lircd.conf include master.conf
sudo gedit /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
#this configuration has been automatically generated via  #the ubuntu lirc package maintainer scripts.  #  #it includes default configuration remote and/or  #transmitter have selected during package installation.  #  #feel free add custom remotes configuration  #via additional include directives or below existing  #ubuntu include directives selected remote and/or  #transmitter.    #configuration windows media center transceivers/remotes (all) remote:  include "/usr/share/lirc/remotes/mceusb/lircd.conf.mceusb"    #configuration microsoft windows media center v2 (usb) : master:  include "/usr/share/lirc/extras/transmitters/master.conf"

ok cool lirc configured. reboot , see if lirc can send ir commands.
hope have ir transmitter setup in front of ir eye of device controlling.
using format irsend directive remote code example
irsend send_once vr4085df key_power
should net desired action. (fyi remote , code names in conf file.)
if not fix lirc config before continuing.

now scripting goodness.
lets start
#!/bin/bash  cd /home/gilson585/  xscreensaver-command -watch|  while read status;    case "$status" in      blank*)        /home/gilson585/;blanked=1;echo $blanked > blanked        ;;      unblank*)        /home/gilson585/;blanked=0;echo $blanked > blanked        ;;    esac  done
please edit that 3 instances of home folder point yours.
fix permissions
chmod 777
now put in startup applications.
in mythbuntu thats applications > settings > session , startup
in ubuntu thats system > preferences > sessions (or startup applications)
create new entry, name it, , use example below create command.
now lets add scripts calls
#!/bin/sh  cd /home/gilson585/  blanked=`cat blanked`  if [ $blanked -eq 0 ] ;  	blanked=1;echo $blanked > blanked  else  	irsend send_once vr4085df key_power;irsend send_once kenwood_rc-r0813 power;blanked=0;echo $blanked > blanked  	sleep 1  	irsend send_once kenwood_rc-r0813 cd/dvd  fi
obvious edits required here, 1 home directory, devices , codes sent.
should added startup applications.
think know how
fix permissions
chmod 777
#!/bin/sh  cd /home/gilson585/  blanked=`cat blanked`  if [ $blanked -eq 0 ] ;  	irsend send_once kenwood_rc-r0813 power;irsend send_once vr4085df key_power;blanked=1;echo $blanked > blanked  fi
again same obvious edits before.
fix permissions
chmod 777
we call script upon shutdown within lirc init.d script.
sudo gedit /etc/init.d/lirc
now if search stopping remote control daemon happen across section of code.
		if [ "$start_lircd" = "true" ];  			log_daemon_msg "stopping remote control daemon(s): lirc"  			start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/lircd  			log_end_msg $?  			[ -h "$old_socket" ] && rm -f $old_socket  			[ -h "${old_socket}1" ] && rm -f ${old_socket}1  		fi
add su gilson585 -c "/home/gilson585/" gilson585 username looks this
		if [ "$start_lircd" = "true" ];  			log_daemon_msg "stopping remote control daemon(s): lirc"  			su gilson585 -c "/home/gilson585/"  			start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/lircd  			log_end_msg $?  			[ -h "$old_socket" ] && rm -f $old_socket  			[ -h "${old_socket}1" ] && rm -f ${old_socket}1  		fi
awesome if reboot should turn on , off wanted, same goes screensaver state changes. if not check work.
if don't use xscreensaver script won't when screensaver state changes. can either rewrite sys or use xscreensaver.

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