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Thread: Can't click-and-drag on Clickpad, and occasional freezes (Sentelic)

i have sentelic clickpad (no pysical buttons, i.e. macbook style). uses synclient. have upgraded kernel 3.5.4-030504-generic on ubuntu 12.04. side or two-finger scrolling works. doesn't work clicking 1 finger , motion action finger, clicking window , dragging 1 commonly on touchpad. touchpad becomes unresponsive, can last couple minutes before randomly starts functioning again.

have tried changing synclient clickpad=1 , various other synclient settings no avail. paste xinput , synclient output below. or hints appreciated. thanks!

darinb@vz:~$ xinput  ⎡ virtual core pointer                    	id=2	[master pointer  (3)]  ⎜   ↳ virtual core xtest pointer              	id=4	[slave  pointer  (2)]  ⎜   ↳ chicony usb wireless hid receiver       	id=10	[slave  pointer  (2)]  ⎜   ↳ chicony usb wireless hid receiver       	id=11	[slave  pointer  (2)]  ⎜   ↳ fspps/2 sentelic fingersensingpad       	id=14	[slave  pointer  (2)]  ⎣ virtual core keyboard                   	id=3	[master keyboard (2)]      ↳ virtual core xtest keyboard             	id=5	[slave  keyboard (3)]      ↳ power button                            	id=6	[slave  keyboard (3)]      ↳ video bus                               	id=7	[slave  keyboard (3)]      ↳ power button                            	id=8	[slave  keyboard (3)]      ↳ chicony usb wireless hid receiver       	id=9	[slave  keyboard (3)]      ↳ usb2.0 uvc hd webcam                    	id=12	[slave  keyboard (3)]      ↳ @ translated set 2 keyboard            	id=13	[slave  keyboard (3)]  darinb@vz:~$ synclient  parameter settings:      leftedge                = 38      rightedge               = 929      topedge                 = 38      bottomedge              = 673      fingerlow               = 25      fingerhigh              = 30      fingerpress             = 256      maxtaptime              = 180      maxtapmove              = 52      maxdoubletaptime        = 180      singletaptimeout        = 180      clicktime               = 100      fasttaps                = 0      emulatemidbuttontime    = 75      emulatetwofingerminz    = 282      emulatetwofingerminw    = 7      vertscrolldelta         = 24      horizscrolldelta        = 24      vertedgescroll          = 1      horizedgescroll         = 1      cornercoasting          = 0      verttwofingerscroll     = 0      horiztwofingerscroll    = 0      minspeed                = 1      maxspeed                = 1.75      accelfactor             = 0.166667      trackstickspeed         = 40      edgemotionminz          = 30      edgemotionmaxz          = 160      edgemotionminspeed      = 1      edgemotionmaxspeed      = 96      edgemotionusealways     = 0      touchpadoff             = 0      lockeddrags             = 0      lockeddragtimeout       = 5000      rtcornerbutton          = 0      rbcornerbutton          = 0      ltcornerbutton          = 0      lbcornerbutton          = 0      tapbutton1              = 0      tapbutton2              = 0      tapbutton3              = 0      clickfinger1            = 1      clickfinger2            = 1      clickfinger3            = 0      circularscrolling       = 0      circscrolldelta         = 0.1      circscrolltrigger       = 0      circularpad             = 0      palmdetect              = 0      palmminwidth            = 10      palmminz                = 200      coastingspeed           = 20      coastingfriction        = 50      pressuremotionminz      = 30      pressuremotionmaxz      = 160      pressuremotionminfactor = 1      pressuremotionmaxfactor = 1      resolutiondetect        = 1      grabeventdevice         = 1      tapanddraggesture       = 1      arealeftedge            = 0      arearightedge           = 0      areatopedge             = 0      areabottomedge          = 0      horizhysteresis         = 6      verthysteresis          = 6      clickpad                = 1      rightbuttonarealeft     = 0      rightbuttonarearight    = 0      rightbuttonareatop      = 0      rightbuttonareabottom   = 0      middlebuttonarealeft    = 0      middlebuttonarearight   = 0      middlebuttonareatop     = 0      middlebuttonareabottom  = 0

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [all variants] Can't click-and-drag on Clickpad, and occasional freezes (Sentelic)



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