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Thread: can't boot to Windows 8 after Ubuntu installation

i bought a samsung series 5 ultra laptop (np520u4c-a01ub). able disable secure boot feature in bios , install ubuntu 12.04 (as dual boot windows eight). ubuntu works fine, can't boot windows in grub. following messages:

error: unknown command 'drivemap' error: invalid efi filepath
does know how fix or work around this?

did install ubuntu in uefi mode or older legacy mode?

uefi boot don't use grub far know. use uefi bootloader.

have make sure install ubuntu in uefi mode, in other words boot ubuntu cd/usb uefi device, not standard bios device.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [SOLVED] can't boot to Windows 8 after Ubuntu installation



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