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Thread: Customized Ubuntu kernel installation problem

i have compiled kernel on 64 bit running ubuntu machine using below command
concurrency_level=5 nice fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd
--append-to-version=-32-plx --overlay-dir=$(pwd) kernel-image

after compilation generated 2 files


when install package using command
dpkg -i linux-image-3.6.0-rc3-32-plx_3.6.0-rc3-32-plx-10.00.custom_amd64.deb
on other machine running 64 bit ubuntu gives me these errors

dpkg:error processing linux-image-3.6.0-rc3-32-plx_3.6.0-rc3-32-plx-10.00.custom_amd64.deb (--install):
linux-image-3.6.0-rc3-32-plx:3.6.0-rc3-32-plx_3.6.0-rc3-32-plx-10.00.custom (multi-arch: no) not co-installable linux-image-3.6.0-rc3-32-plx:i386 3.6.0-rc3-32-plx_3.6.0-rc3-32-plx-10.00.custom (multi-arch:no) installed
errors encountered while processing:

please tell me wt do.

thread moved packaging , compiling programs.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Packaging and Compiling Programs Customized Ubuntu kernel installation problem



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