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Thread: Creating a Webserver step-by-step

so here's problem:

have old computer (os windows 2000) have turn webserver running moodle , website i'm going create scratch.

need server running @ maximum speed possible asap.

though asking how since i've got no idea of system use (it doesn't need have gui. can text based if improves speed) , how install software (i've never used ubuntu before).

you got pretty stiff learning curve ahead of you. you've got @ least couple of weeks before server needs , running.

have @ this page web server howto.

moodle setup how have @ page.

web server set page, bit dated, information still valid.

before setting server, idea learn few linux basics, can here

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [ubuntu] Creating a Webserver step-by-step



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