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Thread: cannot access ubuntu 12.04 SAMBA share from windows 7 using hostname

i've been trying days working, , everywhere online seems no 1 has definitive answer, here run down:

have external drive attached ubuntu 12.04 machine, "nicholas-desktop." have entire drive shared on network via samba. if try access drive windows 7 using "\nicholas-desktop" fails saying cannot locate "nicholas-desktop." however, if use current ip address assigned machine router's dhcp server typing "\" have no problems accessing share. if try ping ubuntu machine's hostname windows fails. same happens if try ping windows machine, "nicholas-laptop" ubuntu machine. again, if use either machine's assigned ip address works fine. can please me working? don't want workarounds setting static ip, or dhcp reservation, want able resolve hostnames both sides. have tried enabling samba'a wins server resolve hostnames using netbios, didn't work either, may have made mistake setting though.

have made exact same post on @, got no what-so-ever.
here link that.



quote posted cfhs_1 view post
i have external drive attached ubuntu 12.04 machine, "nicholas-desktop."
the problem. samba resolves computer names of 15 characters or less.
have entire drive shared on network via samba. if try access drive windows 7 using "\nicholas-desktop" fails saying cannot locate "nicholas-desktop." however, if use current ip address assigned machine router's dhcp server typing "\" have no problems accessing share.
samba attempts resovle computer name ip address. if provide ip address there no need name resolution.
if try ping ubuntu machine's hostname windows fails. same happens if try ping windows machine, "nicholas-laptop" ubuntu machine.
ping part of tcp/ip , uses hostnames reoslution. not computer name. samba able convert hostname computer name (netbios), if hostname resolvable via dns or /etc/hosts file.
again, if use either machine's assigned ip address works fine. can please me working? don't want workarounds setting static ip, or dhcp reservation, want able resolve hostnames both sides.
dns , netbios resolution 2 different things, requiring 2 solutions. samba/netbios name easiest solve simple configuration parameters change in /etc/samba/smb.conf file.
i have tried enabling samba'a wins server resolve hostnames using netbios, didn't work either, may have made mistake setting though.
this should have worked wins server used resolve netbios names ip addresses. guess have not provided netbios name host (or @ least proper netbios name (see above)).

if wish have dynamic ip hostname dns resolution either need configure internal dns server or find router this, since has nothing samba won't comment further on setting dns.

let's start posting output of /etc/samba/smb.conf file (enclose text in [code] [ /code] brackets).

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