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Thread: 'Checksum does not match' with startup disk creator


i'm trying make startup usb stick install 12.10 (gnome-remix) on machines, can't make work. situation have 2 computers (amd64-bit desktop , intel 32-bit laptop), both running 12.04. have 2 usb memory sticks (2gb , 16gb). have downloaded iso's both 32-bit , 64-bit ubuntu 12.10, , have tried making bootable usb sticks startup disk creator. however, although have tried each combination of usb stick, computer , iso, error "checksum not match, try again?" i've removed usb-creator-gtk , re-installed , made no difference. running usb-creator-gtk terminal produces no errors until checksum error window pops up. have tried formatting usb sticks fat-16 bit , fat-32bit, , tried formatting larger stick down 2gb. internet posts suggest problems can occur when format usb stick have persistant file have tried setting such there no such file , makes no difference either.

checksum files have same posted on ubuntu website.

have tried using unetbootin on desktop machine and, while appears work, booting usb stick produces list of errors , installation halts.

if has suggestions i'd love hear them. have tried every possible combination , have met no success.

sorry post negative in tone. i've spent lot of time on , stuck more options!

welcomed - thanks!


ok, there has been progress this.

creating install usb's startup disk creator has failed every time have tried it. don't know why, each time told checksums don't match.

did manage create bootable usb unetbootin - re-ran program , tried again, , procued usb can boot from. have installed 12.10 on laptop (and works - enjoying it.)

still in same hole desktop machine. have 2 usb sticks, 1 2gb 1 16gb, , can use unetbootin on (newly-built 12.10) laptop make bootable usb's out of them, won't work in desktop. 2gb stick hangs on start-up @ "verifying dmi pool data", 16gb 1 appears run produces errors once have chosen option unetbootin menu.

if has suggestions grateful hear them - thank you.


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