CSS Style Question

i added new style called 14 changed text , spacing rest of website (that 16 , other settings)


it works within dreamweaver, when see on web, still old size within table - <td>


when highlight text , select 'class' add 'span' @ times

other times, when between <td> add <td> , won't work.


this not work

<td height="100" align="center" valign="top" class="14">


this work

<span class="14">


the css simple:

.14 {

font-family: 'open sans', sans-serif;

font-size : 14px;


color : #666;

line-height: 20px;



what missing?





any of text in gray box marked <td height="100" align="center" valign="top" class="14">


i'm hoping can add td or similar, don't want applied every table


ps> there html , other issues, i'm concerned right now.


thank you.

css selector names must aa-zz.  cannot begin numeric values.


.14 invalid code.

.style14 valid code.


rather using selector names carry no purposeful meaning, try use selector names tell style being used for.  makes code easier work with.


a must read article:




nancy o.

More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum



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