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Thread: 12.10 - Skype audio quality

i've had problem wiht 12.04 , again in 12.10. audio output skype using pulseaudio, , lot of crackling , hissing in output. i've checked things line-in, mike inputs, etc., see if 1 of "noisy", no luck. dual-boot windows 7, , windows 7 has no problem in skype, assume setting or perhaps driver problem in ubuntu. i've seen old posts remove pulseaudio , use alsa, if try uninstall pulseaudio removes ubuntu-desktop - , if install ubuntu-desktop installs pulseuadio. give me heads or idea on how go troubleshooting and/or fixing it?

had same issue. try this:

- open /etc/pulse/daemon.conf
- locate line included "default-fragment-size-msec = 10"
- change 10 5
- save file
- run command: sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio --kill
if doesn't work, it's reversible. should work; did me same issue. tried solution because didn't want start purging/removing things ubuntu being newbie. thankfully pain-free , fast solution.

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