can not deactivate ACROBAT X

my story:

had trouble computer - name pc "a".

bought new pc "b" - image of harddrive pc "a" installed in pc "b".

after 4 weeks: trouble pc "b".

gave pc "b" dealer , took harddrive home , installed in older pc "c" because work had go on.

one week later: dealer gave "repaired" pc "b" back.

i installed harddrive "c" pc "b".

again trouble pc "b". went 1 6 times.

unnerved bought new pc "d" , installed harddrive pc "b" new pc "d".

this combination works - cannot start acrobat  anymore.


acrobat tells me have installed on 2 computers , have "deactivate" it.


but have only  o n e   installation on   o n e  , same harddrive , cannot deactivate anything

because installation on 2 computers not exist.


what can do?


thanks help.

licensing wonderful thing.  when change hardware requires activation again.  @ point activated second time , though same hard drive, on different hardware made seem different machine.  call adobe , explain issue , should able assist you.

More discussions in Installing, Updating, & Subscribing to Acrobat



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