Thread: Trouble resizing partition
hi, people.
resize partition not working.
ubuntu 12.04 server lubuntu de, latest updates.
partitions (in gparted):
/dev/sda1 unknown 94 mib bios_grub flag
........2 ext2 572 mib (boot loader)
........3 linux-swap 1.86 gib (swap)
........4 ext4 13.40 gib (/)
........5 ext4 216.63 gib (/home)
unallocated unallocated 698.63gib
used advice debian forum above, long ago remember 1 it's worked me.
original hd 250gib, since i'm running out of space, bought 1tb hd.
(pc hardware: amd x4 3.2 ghz 6 gib ra, asus m4a series motherboard, hd's sata)
using live usb (ubuntu 12.04_64), commanded "sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb" plus bs=4096k , noerr, copied ubuntu site.
anyway, copied perfectly, no problems there.
, fun begins.
time resize, use gparted same live usb.
try might, every time try resize partition take rest of 1tb hd, won't it.
commanded "sudo gparted" in terminal , while i'm running resizing, following error in terminal:
"unable satisfy constraints on partition.
backup gpt table not @ end of disk, should be. might mean operating system believes disk smaller. fix, moving backup end (and removing old backup)?
not of space available /dev/sda appears used, can fix gpt use of space (an 1465128000 blocks) or continue current setting?"
, stops partition going it's original size of 216gib.
don't know means , searching error hours on internet revealed little other of solutions involve raid setups or dual boot systems.
in using fdisk, there error partition being out of alignment. further searching lead me understand partition needs start on full cylinder instead of writing , reading across 2 impact drive speed. haven't found solution yet either.
must doing wrong , cannot figure out is.
i'm going make simple possible , thought or @ least, if you.
1- if still have files on old hdd, keep them there.
2- if have deleted old file old hdd, copy files new 1 (1tb) old 1 (250gb) - yes, backing them again , send them old one.
3- run gparted liveusb (it faster , better livecd - if don't have whatever reason, different story).
4- gparted > device > create partition table
5- click apply if have followed step 1 , 2 above.
now, hdd condition bought it, no partitions @ all.
6- start creating partitions
usually, highly recommended (if ask me) plan , create partition before else. 2 years since have started using linux , recommend new users , else.
7- after that, copy files using classic way - sorry, not sure how using dd command.
dd command easy 1 needs careful when using it.
fix this.
never bother go route.
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