Thread: [Discuss] Old LTS Releases: Security Considerations
so, what're security concerns/considerations of using old lts releases (8.04 example, since @ post-time oldest still-supported lts)?
i'm looking semi-exhaustive list, no means ensures it'll 100% complete.
8.04 hardy heron still security updates backported, definition of remaining under support. 6.06 dapper drake not.
less likely have application security problems, because of bugs have been swatted, in comparison of 8.04 hardy heron 12.04 precise pangolin. running older copies of software, feature-wise, may missing something, not running software older debian old-stable (4.0 woody), , not old applications in rhel 5, still supported red hat. debian woody still running on servers.
security purposes, older lts version preferred newer lts or non-lts version.
Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Security [all variants] [Discuss] Old LTS Releases: Security Considerations
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