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Thread: Freenx issues with epoptes, lubuntu desktop & client sound

hi all.

i'm trying setup linux terminal server.
i'm trialing edubuntu 12.04.

in scenario students need connect on web , because of bandwidth restrictions have use nx.
i've installed freennx per web page:

seemed work fine , can connect nx clients.
however, whilst testing i've come across 3 issues:

1) if session connects using nx client can't see in epoptes.

2) can't nx clients work lubuntu desktop.

3) have no sound when using nx clients pxe clients work fine.

of these real issues or setup?

suggestion gratefully recieved.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [edubuntu] Freenx issues with epoptes, lubuntu desktop & client sound



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