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Thread: FLDigi - Ubuntu - Kenwood TS-590S

setup notes fldigi , kenwood ts-590s

summary: kenwood ts-590s , fldigi software form solid partnership after installation , setup. transmission , reception tests cw, bpsk-31 , rtty-45 have been successful using standard usb cable connect computer , transceiver.

recommendation: g3nrw has excellent kenwood ts-590s web site. discussions of audio card, software , hardware issues helpful. refer to:

part i. transceiver settings:

ts-590s default menu configuration settings should work fldigi. however, personal preferences might call changes.

part ii. fldigi setup , configuration menu settings:

copy rigcat file “ts-590s.xml” “.fldigi/rigs” folder in home directory. when fldigi first starts, load file , make number of program settings. “ts-590s.xml” available on-line:

on first use, fldigi launches install wizard simplify setup process.

top line menu checks:

following settings work on system; use them starting points , make changes needed.

rig – hardware ptt: check “ptt tone on right audio channel”.

rig – rigcat: check “use rigcat” box.

verify following:
rig description file: ts-590s.xml
device: /dev/ttyusb0
baud rate: 115200
stopbits: 1
check trs/cts flow control
check cat command ptt
check dtr +12 v
“initialize” if changes made.

audio – devices:

verify following:
check portaudio
select usb audio codec “capture”
select usb audio codec “playback”

audio – right channel:

verify following:
check “reverse left/right audio channels”

part iii. operating system settings:

number of on-line postings advise making changes “/etc/group” file fldigi use.
edit /etc/group file add group 2 lines: (1) “dialout:20:” , (2) “tty:5:”. assume login name “username”; make these edits:

then, save file, log out , log in. instead of logging out-in, rebooting computer , logging in reset permissions.

easy install fldigi via synaptic. then, start program either terminal prompt typing “fldigi”or dash home. future convenience, consider locking fldigi launcher.

part iv. odds , ends:

determine sound card information, use “aplay -l” command. example:

$ aplay -l

**** list of playback hardware devices ****

card 0: generic [hd-audio generic], device 0: alc662 rev1 analog [alc662 rev1 analog]

subdevices: 1/1

subdevice #0: subdevice #0


top line menu choice “configure – colors & fonts” allows customization of screen appearance. variety of colors receive , transmit panels available along various fonts. arial font size 22. received text black while transmitted text green.

rigcat file “ts-590s.xml” fldigi download web site runs transceiver. edited file , changed <baudrate> field “115,200” , <stopbits> field “1” accommodate usb cable connecting computer ts-590s.

run digital modes on vfo-a of ts-590s full cat functionality. vfo-b send / receive , display transceiver. frequency. however, vfo-b may not accept commands computer change frequency.

“signal range (db)” slider on lower left of fldigi main screen helpful in setting input signal strength. increasing or decreasing setting, incidental noise can minimized. in general, there should contrast between background , signal streams .

easy rename , rewrite macro buttons on fldigi screen. manual explains options. macros examples:

macro change frequency:

macro clear receive panel:

macro clear transmit panel:

macros change modes cw, psk or rtty (45.45/170):

on waterfall-display menu, un-check “always show audio frequencies” option display rf frequencies on waterfall instead of audio frequencies.

when rigcat running, name of control file appear above vfo frequency panel on upper left of screen. when not working, tag ”enter xcvr freq.” appear.

personal note: , congratulations go dave frees / w1hkj , team efforts in creating fldigi. excellent program boon community.

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