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Thread: Error while trying to run steam on playonlinux

i'm getting error while trying run steam on playonlinux:
- running wine-1.5.9 steam.exe (working directory : /home/henrique/.playonlinux/wineprefix/tf2/drive_c/program files (x86)/steam)
p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/ /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/ não é possivel abrir arquivo de objetos compartilhado: fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info can't find matching timezone information in registry bias 180, std (d/m/y): 26/02/2012, dlt (d/m/y): 21/10/2012
fixme:advapi:eventregister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x3f005140, 0x3f036b20, 0x3f036b18
fixme:advapi:eventregister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x3f005140, 0x3f036b58, 0x3f036b50
fixme:advapi:eventregister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x3f005140, 0x3f036ae8, 0x3f036ae0
fixme:advapi:eventregister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x3f005140, 0x3f036b90, 0x3f036b88
fixme:advapi:eventregister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x3f005140, 0x3f036bc8, 0x3f036bc0
fixmerocess:setprocessshutdownparameters (00000100, 00000000): partial stub.
libgl error: failed load driver: i965
libgl error: try again libgl_debug=verbose more details.
libgl error: failed load driver: swrast
libgl error: try again libgl_debug=verbose more details.
x error of failed request: badalloc (insufficient resources operation)
major opcode of failed request: 154 (glx)
minor opcode of failed request: 3 (x_glxcreatecontext)
serial number of failed request: 315
current serial number in output stream: 319

got idea?

update1= solved running sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 games need 64 bit's libs aren't running! seem faceing same problem 32 bit's instead of 64 libs... they're finding inverse libraries. how fix this? tried reinstalling libgl1-mesa-driver:amd64 fix didn't change nothing.

update2 = isn't there someway force application use path lib? looking in libgl verbose shows application trying search on 64 bits libs, rather i386 path. if @ last search on alternative way. problem changing 64 bit's applications.

update 3 = run this(savage 2 need 64 bit's libs): libgl_debug=verbose ./savage2.bin
, got this
warning: vad has been replaced hack pending complete rewrite
libgl: opendriver: trying /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/tls/
libgl: opendriver: trying /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
libgl error: dlopen /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ failed (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ wrong elf class: elfclass32)
libgl: opendriver: trying ${origin}/dri/tls/
libgl: opendriver: trying ${origin}/dri/
libgl error: dlopen ${origin}/dri/ failed (${origin}/dri/ cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory)
libgl: opendriver: trying /usr/lib/dri/tls/
libgl: opendriver: trying /usr/lib/dri/
libgl error: dlopen /usr/lib/dri/ failed (/usr/lib/dri/ cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory)
libgl error: unable load driver:
libgl error: driver pointer missing
libgl error: failed load driver: i965
libgl: opendriver: trying /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/tls/
libgl: opendriver: trying /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
libgl error: dlopen /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ failed (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ wrong elf class: elfclass32)
libgl: opendriver: trying ${origin}/dri/tls/
libgl: opendriver: trying ${origin}/dri/
libgl error: dlopen ${origin}/dri/ failed (${origin}/dri/ cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory)
libgl: opendriver: trying /usr/lib/dri/tls/
libgl: opendriver: trying /usr/lib/dri/
libgl error: dlopen /usr/lib/dri/ failed (/usr/lib/dri/ cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory)
libgl error: unable load driver:
libgl error: failed load driver: swrast
x error of failed request: badalloc (insufficient resources operation)
major opcode of failed request: 154 (glx)
minor opcode of failed request: 24 (x_glxcreatenewcontext)
serial number of failed request: 49
current serial number in output stream: 66

update 4 = succeed in fixing 2 libs problem game i've tested(savage 2) freezing.


Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Wine Error while trying to run steam on playonlinux



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