Premiere or AME dropping frames in clips in sequence like a time remapping

very strange issue. have had happen twice 2 different projects.


i have timeline setup 1080 using raw mov files canon 60d. looks good. render media , output file, 1 of clips looks running @ extremely low frame rate. maybe 1 frame second almost. not in premiere. , why think might premiere , not ame....


i found file got clip form , selected new segment of video use clip. inserted timeline before 1 giving frame rate issue. removed clip had bad frame rate issue (again, after rendered in ame can see in rendered doesn't ths within premiere playing timeline). rendered project again. time, clip replaced looks fine, 1 right after has same frame drop problem. have no idea causing this. neither of clips have time ramping. neither in premiere when play timeline. shows in final file render, moves down timeline next clip when fix 1 did it.


any ideas on causing this? else ever see this?



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