Bug with gradient + compound path
to summarize: seems compounding path resets rotation of gradient it's original degree of rotation.
detailed version:
1. create shape.
2. add gradient fill. note it's degree of rotation. let's it's set @ 10°.
3. rotate shape means (transform or rotate tool). note gradient degree of rotation has shifted same amount shape rotated (if rotated 50°, gradient show @ 60°).
4. make compound path.
5. instantly gradient shifts it's original degree of rotation of 10°.
it appears when rotating shape gradient, rotation of gradient locked rotation of shape. when making compound shape releases lock , "remembers" it's original state. true make compound path, if no go ahead , rotate bit using cursor (as opposed selecting transform > rotate), gradient switch how expect rotate in first place...
workaround make compound path before rotating shape @ all.
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